Pietro Moros

My fairy tales

short stories and novels

Fairy tales, short stories and novels

I create dreams to give them,
now it’s your turn to try,
and in turn give them away
to those who no longer know how to dream.

Who I am

My name is Pietro, Pietro Alfredo Moros, born in Genoa a few years ago, I’m talking about the fifties, late fifties, which in fact are not many, but not few either.

Genoa has a special characteristic, we are sandwiched between the sea and the mountains and this has always allowed me to wander with my mind looking at the horizon of the sea or imagining what was beyond a mountain or inside a cave or on top of a peak.

Not bad.

It was precisely thanks to this wandering that one morning, with my daughter Ambra and my niece Alice, I told a fairy tale invented on the spot: that of four dwarfs who set out in search of their people. There were actually seven dwarfs, they knew Prince Charming and Snow White, his sweet wife.

Have you understood who I’m writing about? Easy I’d say.

Uhmm, I thought, actually the seven dwarfs have always been seven. And where the hell did the others end up?

This is how The Story of the Seven Dwarfs was born. A fairy tale chock-full of adventure, friendship and love. It is a story about a search that seemed impossible whose protagonists are a great Wizard and a small being who together will help four of the seven dwarfs in the search for the little people.

And the other three dwarves?

Someone had to stay at home to work and, if needed, to help Snow White and her Prince Charming.

The ending is exciting and unpredictable to say the least.

Ah, there’s also a bad guy so bad that I would have deleted him from the story.

I must say that it was like having experienced this splendid adventure first hand.

I had taken a liking to it and so luckily I gave birth to a little hamster, Zar, who will save the city of Genoa from a terrible enemy and this thanks to the help of… I don’t want to say too much but it’s worth reading Zar because you will fall in love about him and the other main actors and maybe you will even like the big bad guy who is at the head of a large army of bad mice, but so bad that I would have deleted them from this story too.

And then I invented some of the characters who were the main protagonists of a historical event in the animal world. Even today, years later, it is talked about in newspapers and on TV in the animal world, of course, and the historic event is none other than the first Winter Games.

While writing this story, I was laughing alone as I imagined dogs, cats, mice, rabbits, hamsters and so on skiing like veterans in races with an uncertain ending and with performers who had a mad desire to win. What races! What tension! What adrenaline! And what views! You can’t believe how much fun and excitement I had. Oh yes, because there is also a love story that some protagonists are still experiencing today.

And speaking of stories to live, I would like to tell you the story of two girls who set off in search of their fathers who mysteriously disappeared. The Mystery of the Enchanted Mountains is the incredible adventure of these two girls. Will they succeed in their aim? Or will someone put a spanner in the works of our heroines? Will they be helped or left to their own devices? I was anxious about writing, let alone you about reading.

One of my dreams as a child has always been to find an immense treasure and having never found it, I decided to have a group of girls and their teacher, descendant of a pirate, look for it. Captain Ghost’s Treasure is an adventure in which all sorts of things happen and thank goodness that Taro, a handsome, friendly German shepherd, lover of good food and beautiful dogs, comes to help our girls. A dog-lover in short. Of course the protagonists risk their lives several times and encounter terrible and fearsome ghosts. But do you want to discover a fabulous treasure? For them it was certainly worth having faced a thousand difficulties.

And speaking of difficulties, do we want to talk about Sister Maria who leaves for Africa, gets lost somewhere in the desert, meets animals that talk and an army determined to capture a being who has been of great help to her? All because in The Magic Village, the water disappeared and she and some children went looking for it. How scary!!

The novels gave me a great satisfaction that at the beginning I would not have believed was possible, perhaps because the commitment was greater, perhaps because Il Silenzio-Youtube is a story that a parent would not want to experience, perhaps because the protagonists live a immense mess made of drugs, alcohol and death. Perhaps because there is so much emotion within the novel that in the end I came away profoundly affected.

So destroyed that he decided to write a love story, that of two boys who meet over the centuries thanks to an elderly and mysterious lady. I will tell the story of the medieval and modern periods in a series of twists between battles, death, love, disappointments, chases and destruction.

I admit, it’s not just a love story, it’s something else entirely, it’s something that will go beyond the sky, beyond the threshold of the Universe and will be in Infinite Love

And if we talk about the sky, how can we not talk about the little magician Matteo who lives on a cloud and is the Magician of Special Children. This tale gave me the happiness of having managed to write about Research and Muscular Dystrophy. At first I didn’t think it would be easy, I used my head and my imagination but I couldn’t write a single word.

Then it happened, it was simple and almost like magic. I used my heart and the fairy tale was born in just one day, as if someone dictated it and thinking about it, with a cool head, I really believe that ‘someone’ helped me and I thank him from the bottom of my heart whoever he may be.

Even short stories have given me a lot of satisfaction, above all they have enriched me.

I would advise budding writers to start with a short story where in a few pages you will have to condense a set of emotions by telling and finishing a story that makes sense.

It seems easy but I assure you it is not at all.

They were born like this:

Alfonso, story of a Saint. How hard it is to be a bus. The hard work of the Angels.

The radio control. The Criste virus. The Mountain story of two loves. Letter from the front. A sweet return. A long-awaited stop. Reborn dancing with the snow. Story of a cigarette. Nocturnal love. Peter Pan. For Alda.

Here I stop. At the moment.

This wandering with my mind is incessant and I believe that I will meet and introduce you to a thousand other characters or perhaps they will come to visit us.

Be that as it may, they are welcome

Let’s continue…